A rust-colored cat named Jake lounged in the trees. Suddenly, a flock of robins fluttered down and perched on his favorite tree! He hissed and scrambled up the tree trunk, and pounced on the nearest one. There was a scuffle of feathers and fur, a squawk, and a snarl. Jake tumbled from the tree and bolted. Feathers flew in a trail behind him. He hid in a tree and gobbled up his bird. I forgot to tell you that Jake was the type of domestic cat called a chameleon cat.
He leaped down and changed green to match the grass. He saw his rival, Tiger, another cat, prowling around at the corner. He crawled onto the road and flashed black. Tiger growled and sprang around. Too late. Jake leaped up and cuffed Tiger soundly, scratching off a handful of tan fur. Then he scratched Tiger on the face. Jake fled for no reason. Tiger scrambled after him. Jake hopped into the grass and turned green. Tiger scurried by, snarling. Slowly, Jake made it to his house. The door opened, and his owner, a kid named Tom Bricker let him in. Jake padded silently into his favorite room, which had two aquariums swarming with fish. Jake stalked grandly out of the house. Suddenly, Jake turned into a kind of cat called an Abyssinian. But Jake wasn't satisfied with Abyssinian colors.
He turned into a gray cat with black stripes and black rings along his tail.
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