Saturday, February 19, 2005

The World of Stripes


The Stripe planet, way deep in space, is beyond our reach. But I'll give you all the information I know.

Chapter 1

Stripes are small creatures, about the size of rats, with white stripes on their backs.

Chapter 2 Main Information

Stripes will strain themselves to catch bugs. Stripes eat small fish, bugs, and, infact, anything smaller than themselves. The larger nocturnal predators are always trying to catch stripes. But stripes run at high speeds of 250 miles per hour. They never get exhausted. They sometimes, but not commonly, turn and snap at the object of terror. This is what a stripe looks like

For basic information, stripes live in trees, small caves and burrows. The stripes are not quarrelsome with their own kind. Caroscots love eating stripes but they never catch them. Here is a caroscot:

Chapter 3 Scavenging

Stripes can swim. Normally they zoom through the underbrush and thicket at 250 miles per hour too, but they prefer to dive to escape hungry carascots. Carascots run at two miles per hour and their ambush isn't good either. In short, five million caroscots die each day. Stripes sneak through the bushes. They they scavenge off the carcass until nothing is left but bones. They they drop rocks on bones so they can eat the marrow inside. The bones make a good burrow, but they dig into the ground, snapping up worms as they go.

Chapter 4 Other peaceful animals

Larger animals graze on the leafy plains of planet stripe. Stripes eat the flies that pester the other creatures by climbing onto their backs and catching flies. Sometimes they hide on the plains from torkors. This is a torkor:

The stripes snap up tasty frogs near the river.

The End (for now)

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