Friday, April 22, 2005

The arctic tern

The arctic tern flew over the water, constantly morphing into a bird of the following:

1. White-tailed tropicbird
2. Puffin.
3. Osprey
4. Gull

At last the bird was restricted to one last choice: The Arctic Tern. It chose that, and zoomed away over the water.

There are several bird species I have chosen to write about; but I will only focus on an Arctic tern now.

The tern hovered over the water, then splashed into the water to catch a couple of fish and squid. Another tern saw our bird carrying the fish to its nest on the clifftop. Back at the roost, there was a lot of screeching, squawking, and snapping as the birds flew off on fishing trips, and came back to find thieves taking part of another's nest. It grew so noisy, the tern moved somewhere peaceful to build a nest, where there was plenty of food, and no one to steal it or share it with. The tern squawked and chased a storm petrel out of the nesting site. A few birds flew in, for they had nests too. Puffins, to be exact. One collapsed into squawks of laughter at the sight of the tern sitting there. The tern attacked the puffin, and there was an explosion of black feathers, wings beat the air, and the puffin collapsed onto the nest. A small thing hit the tern, and it fell asleep on the nest. When the tern woke up, it was perched in a big cage, and a boy opened the cage. The tern flew out the door, and perched in a tree. The tern soon found its way back to its nest among the naughty puffins. After stealing some untended, uneaten sand eels, The tern decided to have some fun. It flew around, looking for nests whose owners were out fishing. If he found one, he flew forward, picked up the nest, and dropped it in the water. He spied a rough-looking skua flying to the nest site. A very smelly battle took place. THE BATTLE OF THE POOP SHOTS!!!

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